Dream Coordination Office LLC

German to English Translations / Copy Editing and Proofreading / Writing

Charlotte Eckler




Michael Strasser: Freedom
Tiroler Landes Museen 2015


Using the works of Neoclassicist Angelika Kauffmann in the Tiroler Landesmuseen’s Collection, Michael Strasser thematizes the restrictions that Kauffmann faced as a woman painter: she was not allowed to view nudes. I translated Strasser’s text, “Freedom,” for the catalogue.


In a republication of documentation the Austrian architect Carl Pruscha’s UN-commissioned work in Khatmandu and Nepal in the 1960s, the small volume, published by Schlebrugge.Editor, shows how Pruscha defined and recommended world heritage sites in Nepal. The book was edited by Charlotte Eckler, which takes on new significance after the earthquake of 2015, and translated information for the website.






This publication by Klaus Mosettig, published in 2015 by Schlebrugge.Editor, was translated into English by Charlotte Eckler.




African Masters: Art from Ivory Coast
Eds. Eberhard Fischer, Lorenz Homberger et al.
Scheidegger & Spiess 2014


This large volume was copyedited and proofread by Charlotte Eckler.




A Tribute to Franz West
Essay by Herbert Lachmayer, ed. Philipp Konzett
Ex. cat. accompanying the 2013 exhibition.


The large volume was translated by Charlotte Eckler.




Josef Danner: Figure It Out
This catalogue raisonne was translated by Charlotte Eckler in cooperation with the artist.
Schlebrugge.Editor 2014




Peter Bartos: Situations 1945-2014
Vienna Secession 2015


This first comprehensive publication on the important Czech artist was copyedited by Charlotte Eckler.




Imaginary Apparatus: New York City and Its Mediated Representation
By McClain Clutter
Scheidegger & Spiess, 2015

This book explores the ways in which urban planning in New York City has been a function of its own representation in media. Copyedited by Charlotte Eckler.


Nakis Panayotidis: Seeing the Invisible
Ex. cat. Kunstmuseum Bern
Scheidegger & Spiess, 2015.

The second comprehensive exhibition of the artist at Kunstmuseum Bern, Panayotidis brought the Arte Povera aesthetic and ideal, already in the 1970s, from Greece to Switzerland and influenced a generation of Swiss modern artists. Translated and copyedited by Charlotte Eckler.

Publication Series of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna / Schriftenreihe der Bildenden Kuenste Wien



Transcultural Modernisms
Sternberg Press, 2013

This anthology showcases modernist architectural projects that represent cross-cultural experience in the best cases and shows how colonialist goals were often imposed in the worst cases of modernist building.



Aesthetic Politics in Fashion
Sternberg Press, 2014

The anthology explores, among other things, the effects of the global capitalist market on fashion, how aesthetics are politicized and shape social relations.


Veronika Spierenburg: Ecke Hoek Horn
Edition Fink, 2014

Texts were translated into English by Charlotte Eckler.

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